FAM Trips on JIZO.com !

FAM Trips on JIZO.com !

August 14, 2020
Add your FAM Trip agenda for travel-professionals from all over the world or specific country.
The term FAM stands for Familiarization.
The Tours, commonly known as FAM Trips, are trips organized by travel providers,
This can be a Tour Operator, an Airline, a Hotel Chain, a Tourism Board or other DMOs representing a Destination, etc.

-You can organize your FAM Trip from 4 to 25 people, and pay a fee of 10 USD per person
-FAM Trip participants will each pay a JIZO fee of 10 USD to join
-You can set the group deadline for travel-professionals to participate

FAM Trips are a great way to learn more about and experience a destination for yourself, so you can add it to your own knowledge-base, as a tool for selling more trips.

Take care and HAVE FUN!