
Company Team
Natasha Dobrovolska


Travel Recommendations

North Palmira

Natasha Dobrovolska Saint Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg. This is a dark, cold December morning with slowly lighting bakery lights, city dwellers rushing to the subway, fine snow, and centuries-old damp building walls. Pikelet with powdered sugar around the corner, hot cocoa, looking at the grand stucco of the house across the street. Refinement, grandeur, courtyards-wells, wonderful lanterns, and pastry shops that lure with their cinnamon rolls and marzipan. Train stations, tourists, art, and a lot of books in hands, on tables, forgotten by someone on the bridges. A city with dignity, dark mysterious canals. Inspiring.

Dnipro city

Natasha Dobrovolska Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine

Dnipro is ambiguous. Old houses side by side with new modernist buildings, beautiful stucco molding with strict steel lines, noble colors of crumbling facades with bright murals. The city is divided by the Dnipro river, forming islets, beautiful locations for recreation, kayaking. The embankment stretches for several kilometers and is a series of installations and places of unity with nature. The streets rise and fall. Cafes with delicious coffee. The rhythm of an industrial city.

Pysarivka, original village of Ukraine

Natasha Dobrovolska Poltava, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine

Pysarivka is a small, picturesque village in the Poltava region, Ukraine. Huts with reed roofs, sandy roads leading into a pine forest, tributaries of the Tagamlyk River buried in greenery, fishing for pike with the help of a topotukha. Friendly people, obscene sizes of dumplings, liqueurs and buryakivka. On a sunny summer day, you walk barefoot along a heated path, listening to grasshoppers and inhaling the wonderful aroma of pine resin, heated herbs and cooked borscht with sour cream and cracklings and there is a feeling of peace, happiness and respect for the identity of those who live here. And in the evening you see off the sun behind the fir-trees, drink herbal tea with cherry pies, listen to a chorus of frogs and slowly sink into the slumber of the Ukrainian night. Писаревка-это маленькое, живописное село в Полтавской области, Украина. Хатки с камышовыми крышами, песчаные дороги уходящие в сосновый лес, утопающие в зелени притоки реки Тагамлык, рыбалка на щуку с помощью топотухи. Дружелюбные люди, вареники неприличных размеров, наливки и бурякивка. В солнечный летний день шагаешь по нагретой тропинке босиком, слушая кузнечиков и вдыхая чудесный аромат сосновой смолы, разогретых трав и запашного, только что приготовленного борща со сметаной и шкварками и возникает ощущения умиротворенности, счастья и уважения к самобытности тех, кто живет здесь. А вечером провожаешь солнце за елки, пьешь травяной чай с пирожками с вишней, слушаешь хор лягушек и медленно погружаешься в дремоту украинской ночи.